Hilton Resource Group

The Need

A high performing, well-liked manager was promoted to a director position based on his excellent performance and his ability to motivate and build consensus within his team and within the institution. Within four months of promotion, three experienced staff members resigned, and employee conflict and diminished productivity escalated leading to customer complaints, lost revenue and two separate incidents of discrimination and harassment complaints. Lisa consulted with his VP; the director's job was in jeopardy.

It was determined that he would receive coaching for six months after which his future with the company would be evaluated.

Lisa utilized self-assessment tools and peer evaluations and feedback to clarify goals and objectives with the director and break through his lack of awareness, defensive behaviours and paradigms toward leadership style, team work and professional conduct. Lisa coached the director in six critical areas: conscious leadership practices, professional conduct, effective techniques to address conflict, emotional intelligence, communication style and setting and achieving realistic goals aligned with the institutions purpose and direction.

The Result

The director retained his position and has since been promoted as a VP to oversee operation expansion in a new market. Both the director and his boss attribute the coaching as the leading factor the director was capable of redirecting his behaviors and lead with direction, vision and success.